Latex: Generate references
When it comes to editing LaTeX, I usually use either TexStudio or Overleaf (rarely). My preference is to use a separate .bib file for referencing references in my manuscripts. However, it's worth noting that TexStudio does not automatically generate the .aux file required for references. To do so, one must navigate to Tools --> Bibliography (or use a shortcut) to generate the .aux file before compiling the LaTeX file twice to display the citations and references. Even though this extra step may seem cumbersome, it is a necessary step to ensure that references are properly cited and formatted in the final document.
To change the title of the reference section in your LaTeX document, you can specify a new title after the \begin{document} command. For example:
I usually use the plainnat style. After some minor changes, I save the .bst file with a different name, and use it in most of my manuscripts:
In the section of the document where references should be displayed: